Two comrades arrested in Rome

At dawn today, Wednesday, March 16, two anarchist comrades, Gianluca and Evelin, were arrested in Rome.

The investigating prosecutor office is that of Genoa, on behalf of the public prosecutor Federico Manotti, in a joint operation between the ROS (‘Special Operational Grouping’ of carabinieri) and DIGOS (‘General Investigations and Special Operations Division’, political police). The charges against the comrades are “possession of deflagrant and explosive material, attempted manufacture of improvised explosive devices, as well as possession of deflagrant material with the aim of attacking public safety”, in conspiracy with unknown persons. The public prosecutor’s office also contested the aggravating circumstance of terrorism, which was then excluded by the judge for preliminary investigations who signed the arrest. The interrogations by the judge are scheduled for tomorrow. Continue reading

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Anarchist Militant’s Position on Russia’s Attack on Ukraine

We thank CrimethInk Collective for the translation. There are also positions of other russian anarchist groups at their site.

Our position on the events taking place in Ukraine is clearly evident in our previous posts. However, we felt it necessary to express it explicitly, so that something would not be left unsaid.

We, the collective of Anarchist Fighter, are by no means fans of the Ukrainian state. We have repeatedly criticized it and supported opposition to it in the past, and we have also been the cause of large-scale repression against the VirtualSim operator, done by the Ukrainian security services in an attempt to fight us.

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Our response to CrimethInc’s “War and Anarchists” in Ukraine

The text “War and Anarchists”, recently released by comrades from Ukraine, has already been widely distributed. If you haven’t read it yet, now is the time. Time to write reviews. Today is an actual date: the anniversary of the start of the final clashes on the Maidan on February 18, 2014, after which a new stage began in the history of Ukraine and the entire post-Soviet space.

The text is very interesting. Its strongest point is factology, chronological outline and details. Something we learned from for the first time. We learned something from this text for the first time. An interesting ending about the current position of libertarians in the country. However, some parts of the text require critical comments: Continue reading

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The flame of Kazakhstan in our hearts: attack against the collaborators of Russian imperialism from Shell in Malmö, Sweden

News of solidarity and resistance from our comrades in Sweden. Translation by Gatorna.

On the night of February 1 in Malmö, Sweden, we burned the trailer belonging to Shell plc. The trailer was parked at the gasoline station of this company. This sabotage action is the spark of the flame that the rebellion in Kazakhstan lighted in our hearts.

In early January the uprising against Tokayev’s oligarchic regime began in Kazakhstan. We follow the success of the rebels and hoped on their victory. But the Russian troops came to help the regime. The reactionory empire began invasion. The uprising was suppressed. Now brutal repression continues in Kazakhstan.

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Uprising in Kazakhstan. Review of «Anarchist Fighter»

Below are the few episodes reflecting our thinking while we were following the events in Kazakhstan in the first days of January 2022. We present the pieces which were translated by the CrimethInc collective from Russian to English.

Who are behind the “violent” resistance?

In the whirlpool of events we are still trying to analyze something, not to dissolve in the information noise.

Perhaps the most interesting question for us is: what groups and forces are involved in the events in Almaty, where the scenario of confrontation is the most radical and violent at the moment? It is impossible to answer unequivocally right now.

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People of Carpathian mountains are taking the action. Logging vehicles destroyed

We received an inspiring email from Carpathian mountains where activists took actions to protect the forest.

In the beginning of this autumn one of the many Carpathian logging sites was attacked in Ukraine. It was an act of resistance against the business, the state and anthropocentrism.

Vehicles destroyed: logging machine got it’s electronics cut out, windows shattered and gas tank pierced.

Timber carrier got a sugar injection in its gas tank.

credi nella libertà!

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Malmö, Sweden. “Burn the virus of capitalism!” Destroyed the transport of the company, which saved on the health of the elderly

We love to receive revolutionary news from readers from Sweden. This time, the direct action allowed a new perspective to shed light on the situation with the pandemic in Sweden, known for its “special approaches” to the coronavirus. In this social state, many people died because of the greed of private owners of nursing homes. But the comrades proved that no one had forgotten or forgiven them.

Thousands of people have died in Sweden during the coronavirus pandemic. At least some of these tragic deaths were caused by the way the epidemic was confronted by the privatized health care system. Continue reading

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Lund, Sweden. Solidarity with imprisoned anarchists: arson attack on Shell trailers

We set on fire three large trailers of the British-Dutch corporation Shell at the gas station of the company in Lund (Sweden) in the night of August 27. The reason to take Shell as an aim for attack was Shell`s participation in the construction of the natural gas pipeline Nord Stream 2 as an investor. This action was carried out within the International Week of Solidarity With Anarchist Prisoners (August 23–30).

Nord Stream 2 belongs to the Russian State Corporation Gazprom and it is a strategic project of Putin’s regime. This gas pipeline will become a serious weapon in the hands of the dictatorship. Nevertheless, Shell and several more Western companies help the Russian state economically.

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Minsk resident Andrei Zeltser died in battle, repelling an attack by KGB officers

September 28, Minsk resident Andrey Zeltser put up armed resistance to KGB punitive gang attempting to arrest him.

The enemy were assuming an easy victory, thinking they could once again abuse their victim and get away with it. SWAT team wasn’t with them, it seems they haven’t even bothered to wear bulletproof vests. For they deem themselves the top dogs, the very sight of them causes mere mortals to quake with fear. Or so they thought. But this time they were wrong.

An armed fighter was waiting for them behind the door they expected to easily break down. Brave young man, ready to kill and to die. His name was Andrey Yurievich Zeltser. 32-year-old programmer from Minsk. Continue reading

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Belorussian partisans have attacked OMON (Special Forces) base using modified drones

Belorussian partisans have attacked OMON (Special Forces) base using modified drones.

The “Чорны Бусел” (Black Stork) group reports:

Target: OMON base, 120th Division Heroes str., Minsk.

The Black Stork group has dropped two 5-liter tanks filled with flammable liquid. These drops from a great height were carried out with an interval of 20 seconds between them.

The strikes were accompanied by loud bangs and flashes, waking up the whole OMON snake pit from neighboring houses. The impact sites are marked with arrows on the map.

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