Don’t give up, don’t give out. Tortures and confessions

Since 2017 our movement has faced the repressions of the scale and intensity previously unseen. The main “spice” of the situation is massive usage of tortures by FSB secret service. Before the cases of beatings and tortures of the anarchists in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus were mere separate exclusions. We’ve heard that Jihadists and Fascists are tortured brutally. Someone would also recall “Odessa case” against communists and anarchists. But one thing is “to know” abstractly and to experience on your own is something very different. Continue reading

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The Anarchist Mission In The Modern World

It’s not a novel idea, for today large projects aimed to rebuild the world are in decline. In the twentieth century, the powerful movements mobilized millions of people to storm political Olympus and start “great construction projects”. But during the last century, they have gone bankrupt both ethically and practically, one after the other , and soon vanished entirely. Here in particular we refer to fascism and communism of the Leninist type. Even the seemingly triumphant liberal project just basically vanished into the global capitalist system and the global political game, where liberal mechanisms are hardly seen.

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Arson attack against Lukashenka’s accomplices: incendiary fire at IKEA in Malmö, Sweden

Received manifest from comrades by e-mail:

We set fire to IKEA shopping center in Malmö, Sweden on the night of March 24th. The reason for the attack – IKEA’s cooperation with the dictatorship of Lukashenka in Belarus.

This action is part of a pressure on Western capitalists who trade with the Lukashenka regime and thereby ensure its survivability. When we were planning the attack, we were inspired by the reflections of the imprisoned anarchist-partisan Igor Olinevich, who wrote in his book «I’m going to Magadan»: «“It is ok to trade even with cannibals” – this is the essence of European politics». The example of based in Sweden and currently registered in the Netherlands furniture corporation IKEA perfectly demonstrates accuracy and relevance of Igor’s conclusions.

Back in December 2018, in the wake of political rapprochement between the Lukashenka’s regime and the European Union, IKEA has adopted a strategy «Go Belarus». In the summer of 2019, Belarusian Ambassador to Sweden Dmitry Mironchik told reporters what this strategy is about. According to him, IKEA plans to purchase Belarusian goods with a value of 200 million euros. The same year, in the fall, during a Swedish-Belarusian business meeting in Minsk, Andrei Yevdochenko, at that time the First Deputy Foreign Minister, announced that in 2021 IKEA plans to increase the volume of purchases to 300 million euros.

After the beginning of the Belarusian revolution in august 2020, the Swedish media drew attention to the activities of IKEA in this country. At the end of 2020 it became widely known that seven percent of wood which IKEA uses to manufacture furniture comes from Belarus. This fact once again confirms the accuracy of Igor Olinevic’s words. In his book he described the place of Belarus in the global production chain in following way: «Economically Belarus is elementary, most environmentally filthy, raw material processing». As a result of the scandal the Secretary-General of the Human Rights Organization «Olof Palme International Center» Anna Sundström called on the boycott of IKEA products ( ). «Forest and Wood Workers’ Union» which is part of the Social Democratic «Swedish Trade Union Confederation» also demanded from IKEA to terminate cooperation with Lukashenka’s regime ( ). Thus, not only anti-authoritarian left, but also a non-indifferent part of the Swedish society, which follows the situation in Belarus, condemns IKEA’s actions in this country. We, anarchists, believe that these people will understand us, will support us, and will become our comrades.

Here we will not list other IKEA’s misdeeds, such as the destruction of nature in different countries of the world and permanent impairment of workers’ conditions. Anyone can easily find information about it. IKEA’s co-operation with the Lukashenka’s regime is a more than enough reason to attack.

As Igor Olinevich and many other anarchists noted, Belarusians should not hope for Western politicians. They will not help. Only people in Belarus, by armed uprising, can destroy the dictatorship. The dirty greedy nature of capitalists, such as IKEA owners, confirms that it is necessary to fight not only for political liberation, but also for the destruction of the economic oppression, for the absolute liberation of the individual. Lukashenka’s regime trade with his accomplices from other countries needs to be blocked by radical direct action. Therefore, we will continue to attack. The words of Igor Olinovich will inspire us: «There is no linear historical path, everything can be changed!»

Action group “The Solidarity”

First news about attack.

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There will be a new day… First results of January 23

January 23 has really become a historic milestone. Not only because there were a lot of people in different cities. Today the potential has turned into reality, the energy of both rebellion and suppression has been released. Now we see their collision with our own eyes and we ourselves participate in it. The day is rich in archetypes: disgusting footage of police brutality, beaten and crushed Toyota with a flashing light as a laconic symbol of the attitude of the active part of the people to the authorities … brief sketches – complete meanings.

The same feeling was in August, when Belarus revolted. By the end of the day, an emptiness is felt in my head from the emotions overwhelming for hours.

But let’s gather strength in a heap and summarize the first results:

  • The protest has noticeably expanded its geography. Traditionally disloyal capitals, well-known centers of protest: Khabarovsk, Yekaterinburg, Arkhangelsk “accepted into the family”, at first glance, unexpected places: Samara, Ufa, Perm and a long list of names. This is the strength.
  • Almost everywhere, the security forces tried to disperse the demonstrations. And in very many cases they were rebuffed. That’s right: self-defense is a right and a necessity;
  • It was massive. In total, more than 100 thousand people came out across the country. Most likely – much more;
  • This is not a protest from “For Navalny”. Let’s not confuse the excuse and the reason. January 23 expressed the aggregate dissatisfaction of Russians, which has been continuously accumulating from zero since 2014.

What is missing:

  • Expressed demands for economic and social justice, participation of residents in the management of society;
  • The following moves: freed up public spaces and premises that can become pivotal points of struggle with tyranny;
  • Organization and decisiveness: systematic resistance to the police, the will not to disagree and put pressure.

Today Russia has changed psychologically. Tens of thousands of people on the street today got a taste for collective action. And tomorrow they will wake up not the same as yesterday. This is the beginning of a new stage of resistance, a noticeable step forward. Starting tomorrow, we will begin to publish our recommendations on the methods of further struggle.

We want to develop them in dialogue with you, therefore, feedback and your materials are important to us.

Forward to change! Not for Navalny, but for the people!

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